Reading Atmosphere// Winter Edition


Hello all!

Picking a good reading spot and atmosphere is an essential step to fully enjoy reading your books. I like to be perfectly comfortable when I read, surrounded by pillows in my cozy bed. Yet I still love reading outdoors, feeling the warm sun on my shoulders. However since winter is approaching, I can’t imagine a better way of reading than sitting down with a hot beverage- in coffee shops. By that, I decided to show you how to treat yourself to a long afternoon with a book.

Here are some items that you could carry to enhance your winter reading experience.

  • A hot beverage: Stay hydrated and warm in this frosty weather and enjoy a hot cup o’ something tasty.
  • A reading playlist: Find yourself playlists to listen to while reading books, you can find those on Youtube, Spotify. etc. Some of them were even compiled by authors themselves, that would make for pretty great companions to your daily reading habit.
  • Highlighters: Whenever I come across a line that I like from a book, I highlight it as a way to remember.
  • A bookmark: I love collecting bookmarks, and would never dog-ear a page or lay the book down. Here’s a good tip “use a standard 3×5 index card as a bookmark. When you start a new book, grab an index card and write the book title on it. As you read, write the page numbers down of any particularly meaningful.”

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